RIUNIONE DEL 22.01.2003

Luogo: Roma GNV, Via Nizza 128

Presenti: P. Gasparini,  C. Del Negro, P. De Natale, W. Marzocchi, S. Inguaggiato, P. Papale, P.Verde.

Segretaria verbalizzante: A. Bobbio

Inizio: ore 11.00



  1. Approvazione dei verbali n.6 e n.7 (riunioni telematiche)
  2. Comunicazioni
  3. Ruolo del GNV nelle emergenze
  4. Organizzazione Assemblea Annuale del GNV
  5. Relazione del gruppo di lavoro (P.Papale, W.Marzocchi; S.Inguaggiato) sugli interventi del GNV in occasione di eruzioni.

  1. Approvazione dei verbali n.6 e n.7 (riunioni telematiche)

Il verbale delle riunioni 11 e del 19 dicembre 2002 sono approvati all´unanimità.


  1. Comunicazioni

P.G. informa che nel secondo anno del bando del 6° P.Q. dell´UE, che uscirà a settembre 2003, sarà possibile attraverso “STREP” presentare progetti integrati per la Vulcanologia. P.G suggerisce nel prossimo bando del P.Q. dell´UE di presentare progetti coordinati dal GNV e di lanciare questa proposta in occasione della prossima assemblea del GNV.

P.G. informa che il GNV si era impegnato a produrre un ultimo volume dell´Acta Vulcanologica, il collegio decide di non essere più interessato alla pubblicazione di questo volume. Il collegio da l´incarico a C. Del Negro di organizzare un database di possbili “associated editor” per la rivista “Annali di Geofisica”.

P.G. informa che, d´accordo con il Capo del Dipartimento per la Protezione Civile,  i fondi destinati a nuovi progetti sono stati e vengono tuttora utilizzati per la gestione delle emergenze.


  1. Ruolo avuto dal GNV nelle emergenze

Il GNV ha coordinato e finanziato i seguenti interventi di  ricercatori esterni all´INGV durante le recenti emergenze relative all´Etna, Panarea e Stromboli. Inparticolare:

per l´Etna: un gruppo  coordinato da Mauro Rosi e un gruppo coordinato da Franco Barberi

per Panarea: un gruppo coordinato da Pierluigi Rossi e un gruppo coordinato da Franco Barberi

per Stromboli: gruppi coordinati da Mauro Rosi, Stefano Tinti, Francesco Chiocci, M. Marani e Roberto Scandone.

La Protezione Civile in occasione delle ultime emergenze nelle Eolie ha istituito un gruppo di coordinamento tecnico scientifico formato da Franco Barberi, Enzo Boschi, Mauro Rosi, Roberto Scandone, e P.Gasparini.

Il collegio decide di sottoporre come proposta al Presidente dell´INGV ed alla commissione interna all´INGV per le emergenze, la creazione di un´unità di crisi composta dai direttori di Sezione e dal Direttore del GNV.

Il collegio, a seguito di un colloquio avuto da P.Gasparini con il G. Bertolaso, capo del Dipartimento della Pro. Civ., decide di attivare il GDL che si occuperà dell´elaborazione dei risultati dei progetti GNV di interesse immediato per la Pro. Civ.  formato da P.Papale, W. Marzocchi, M.Pompilio e S.Ciolli, gruppo che è stato istituito nella seduta del 9.05.03, dando a Franco Barberi l´incarico di coordinarlo.


  1. Organizzazione Assemblea Annuale del GNV

Il collegio decide di organizzare la prossima assemblea del GNV non prima della metà di marzo e il prof. Gasparini da incarico ad A.Bobbio di inviare uno schema sull´organizzazione dell´assemblea.


  1. Relazione del gruppo di lavoro (P.Papale, W.Marzocchi; S.Inguaggiato) sullo studio di un sistema di intervento del GNV in caso di eruzioni a scala mondiale.

P. Papale presenta la relazione del gdl, riportata come allegato al presente verbale. il collegio approva la relazione e decide di inviarla al Presidente dell´INGV.

Non essendovi altro da discutere la riunione viene chiusa alle 16.00, e la prossima riunione è fissata per il 26 febbraio

Allegato 1


Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia

Working Group

Creation of a task force for world-scale eruptions

P. Papale1, W. Marzocchi2, S. Inguaggiato3

1INGV-Roma1, Pisa; 2INGV-Roma1, Bologna; 3INGV-Palermo


The GNV – Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia, of INGV – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia of Italy, proposes to create a task force capable to provide a scientific, technical, and logistic support during world-scale volcanic eruptions. With the term “world-scale eruption” we mean those eruptive events capable to involve the scientific, social, and economic worlds, and the media, at an international level. Recent examples include the Pinatubo eruption, Philippines, in 1991, the Soufriere Hills (Montserrat) eruption since 1996 to-date, the January 2002 eruption  of Nyiragongo (DRC). Such eruptions have produced high interest in the international scientific community, and great concern from the civil authorities in charge of preparing and managing response and evacuation plans. They have also received great attention from the international media, and have resulted in important economic losses for the respective countries.

This Working Group (WG) believes that a significant and coordinated participation of Italian researchers in world-scale eruptions is an opportunity for offering a scientific, technical, and logistic support to other countries. At the same time, Italian researchers will greatly increase their experience in interpreting pre-eruptive signals from unresting volcanoes, in forecasting volcanic scenarios, and in volcanic crisis response and management. This will result in an enormous increase of capabilities to face and manage volcanic crises in the Italian territory. Italian researchers will take part to a coordinated operation of data collection on on-going eruptions, to the process of evaluation of precursory signals and of the volcanic hazard, and will take advantage of the possibility of testing physical and mathematical models of volcanic processes. In turn, the country where the volcanic crisis is occurring will benefit of the high level of the volcanological research and monitoring in Italy, and of the experience and know-how of Italian researchers.

Recent experience has shown that in case of volcanic crises in developing countries, which often do not have the necessary technical and scientific resources to face such crises, local authorities resolve to ask for a support from other countries or from international organizations. The United Nations might intervene in such cases by promoting and coordinating the international response, and represent therefore a privileged reference for the actions of the task force. A close coordination is also foreseen with the World Organization of the Volcano Observatories (WOVO), in order to guarantee cooperation with local observatories and coordination among all the scientific organizations involved in the international response group. The task force should be involved in the operations only upon official request from the country where the crisis is occurring, or from the organizations coordinating the international response. Any participation to operations occurring in foreign countries must be coordinated with local and international institutions. Additionally, technical and scientific actions on-site should involve as much as possible local scientists, in order to create an optimum condition for fruitful exchanges and favor the technical and cultural improvement of the country.

Structure of the task force

The task force is constituted by researchers, technicians, and instruments, and is coordinated at the national level by a Task Force Coordination Committee nominated by GNV-INGV. It is proposed that a questionnaire is submitted (a draft of which is attached to the present document) to Italian researchers and technicians who are potentially interested. In this questionnaire each one should indicate his/her interest in being involved, under the GNV-INGV coordination, in actions within the frame of the international scientific and technical response to world-scale eruptions. Each one should also indicate his/her own scientific area of expertise (e.g., general geology, seismology, geochemistry, physical modelling, etc.), the availability of portable instruments, the volcanoes or volcanic areas that have been studied and/or visited, etc. Such a body of information will be organised and managed by the Task Force Coordination Committee in order to allow rapid consultation, and to find out researchers, technicians, and instruments that could take part to the Task Force for the specific crisis.

A second questionnaire (draft also attached) will be submitted to the directors of the Italian volcano observatories, as well as to directors and/or responsibles of Italian research groups in volcanology. The objective of this second questionnaire is that of identifying instruments available in the territory, which are no longer used since replaced by more sophisticated ones. Such instruments could be of great help in foreign countries where a volcanic crisis is occurring, should they be made available to the Task Force for such a use. Recent experience has in fact shown that during a volcanic crisis, when rapid decisions must be taken, less sophisticated information can sometimes be of greater help than a highly sophisticated one, since it can be more easily and more rapidly handled, and more readily managed by local researchers. In this second questionnaire the responsibles of such instruments are asked to address the possibility that the instruments be donated, upon specific request, to the countries where the volcanic crisis is occurring, in order to allow a more efficient monitoring of the geological and volcanological processes. The list of available instruments is also managed by the Task Force Coordination Committee and rapidly consulted in case of crisis.

Directors should indicate the availability to allow researchers and technicians working under their tutorial to participate to the Task Force, provided that the specific circumstances do not demand different decisions.

Task Force Coordination Committee (TFCC)

The objective of the TFCC is mostly that of keeping relationships between the Italian researchers involved in the Task Force, and the international institutions and/or foreign countries. In case of volcanic crisis, the TFCC establishes a contact with them, takes the information on the occurring crisis, and starts to identify the Italian resources that could take part to the operations. These resources are then submitted to the national and international institutions involved in the management of the crisis. In case the Task Force takes actually part to the operations, the TFCC nominates one representative among the Italian researchers involved in the operations in the foreign country. This representative maintains the flux of information from the active volcano to the TFCC, and officially represents the GNV-INGV in the place where the crisis is occurring.

The TFCC also takes the responsibility to update the database of Italian researchers, technicians, and instruments available for the Task Force purposes in the Italian territory.


Questionnaire A (researchers and technicians)

The GNV-INGV is evaluating the possibility to set up a Task Force for world-scale eruptions (see attached document). In order to check the actual possibilities to do that, this questionnaire is submitted to all researchers and technicians involved in the GNV-INGV activities.

1.       Name and Institution

2.       Main scientific interests

3.       Volcanoes or volcanic areas subject of specific studies

4.       Volcanoes or volcanic areas visited (specify the length of stay)

5.       Instruments commonly used

6.       Available portable instruments

7.       Experience in volcanic crises (specify the eruptive crisis and the role played in it)

8.       Would you be interested in participating to operations in case of world-scale volcanic crisis, under the coordination of GNV-INGV?


     Yes, depending on the type of events (specify, e.g., effusive volcanism only, etc.).

     Yes, but only in some specific countries (specify).

     Yes, but only contributing from my country.

     I am not interested.

9.      In case of interest, include the personal curriculum.


Questionnaire B (Instruments)

The GNV-INGV is evaluating the possibility to set up a Task Force for world-scale eruptions (see document attached). In order to check the actual possibilities to do that, this questionnaire is submitted to the attention of all volcanological observatories and research groups in volcanology.

1.                  Are there at your institute/department/section/FU/etc. instruments for the monitoring of the volcanic activity (seismic, geochemical, etc..), that are not currently used although still working, or that can be repaired with moderate expenses? In such a case, please describe them below.

Type of instrument (name, type, constructor, year, kind of measurements, etc...)

2.                  Would your institute/department/section/FU/etc. make such instruments available to the GNV-INGV, in case of participation to world-scale volcanic crises?

3.                  Would your institute/department/section/FU/etc. accept to donate part (specify which one) of the instrumentation above to foreign countries where a volcanic crisis is occurring, under a specific request by such countries?

4.                  Indicate the availability to allow researchers and technicians working under your tutorial to participate to the Task Force, provided that the specific circumstances do not demand different decisions.