Acta Vulcanologica


  • Contributions may be sent directly to one of the editors.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate, double spaced with wide margins, written in English and in special cases in Italian or French.
  • Authors are requested to send a copy of their text and tables on diskette when submitting their final hard-copy version (along with the original of the figures). Save the text as file Microsoft Word under Windows 3.1 on a PC formatted diskette. Make sure that the diskette version and the manuscript version of the text are identical. The paper copy will be treated as the definitive version.
  • Short communications should not normally exceed 2.000 words.
  • Add a cover page containing the title, the authors, the running title (less than 60 characters), key words (max. 5), mailing address, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.
  • The use of S.I. units is strongly recommended

Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:

a. Titles
b. Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s)
c. Abstract (not more than 500 words)
d. Introduction
e. Methods, techniques, material studied, and area descriptions
f. Results
g. Conclusions
h. Acknowledgements
i. References
j. Table captions
k. Tables
l. Figure captions
m. Figures

References: References should be limited to the minimum number necessary for citation of pertinent material. All references cited in the text should be given in the reference list and vice versa. References to internal reports, should be cited only if strictly necessary; the statement <<personal communication>> with publication date in the text is generally preferable. The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of authors´ names and publication years are the same in the text as in the reference list References in the text should appear as follows: (Keller, 1996) (Keller, 1996, 1997) (Keller, 1996a, b) (Ninkovich & Hays, 1996) (Ninkovich et al. 1996)

In the reference list, periodicals, multi-author book, books and proceedings, should be cited in accordance with the following examples:

For journal articles: Names and initial of all authors (year): Title of paper. Journal name (abbreviated using the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations), volume nuber, first and last page numbers of the paper. Ninkovich, D. & Hays, J.D. (1972): Mediterranean island arcs and origin of high potash volcanoes. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 16, 331-345.

For chapters in a book: Names and initial of all authors (year): Title of the paper. Title of the volume, initials and names of the the editor(s), Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of the paper. Keller, J. (1982): Mediterranean islands arcs. In: "Andesites" R. S. Thorpe (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 307-325.

For books: Names and initial of all authors (year): Title of the monograph. Publisher, location of publisher, total pages of the monograph. Ringwood, A. E. (1975): Composition and petrology of the Earth´s Mantel. McGraw-Hill, New York, 470 pp.

For proceedings: Names and initial of all authors (year): Title of the paper. Name of the conference. Publisher, location of publisher, first and last page numbers of the paper. Bowen, V. T., Livingston, H. D. & Burke, J. C. (1976): Distribution of transuranium nuclides in sediment and biota of the North Atlantic Ocean. In: "Transuranium Elements in the Environment" IAEA Symp. Proc., 107-120.

Figures. They must be prepared to allow reduction, preferably to one column width. All figures, whether photographs. graphs or diagrams, should be numbered consecutively throughout and submitted on separate sheets. Author(s)´ names and number of figures should be finely penciled on reverse of figure originals. All composite figures should be mounted together and the parts labeled (a), (b), (c), etc. Page-size montages of photographs count as a single figure. All maps, field sketches and photographs should include a metric bar scale. The maximum printed size of pages is 25 cm x 1 cm and the final printing is double column layout. The author(s) should consider these dimensions when preparing figures. Colour illustration will be accepted only if their costs are borne by the author(s).

Line drawings. Please submit good quality glossy prints. Inscriptions should be about 3 mm high and clearly legible to permit the necessary reduction of size in reproduction. The amount of lettering on a drawing should be reduced as far as possible by trasferring it to the legend. Previously published figures cannot be accepted. Originals of the figures must be kept by the author(s) and will be requested on acceptance of the paper.

Captions. Each figure and table should be briefly and clearly described on a separate sheet. Remarks like "For explanation see text" should be avoided. Captions are a part of the text and should be appended to it.

Tables. They should be typed with special care on good quality, white A4 paper. On the reverse of the tables the authors should lightly pencil their names and the Table number. Compose tables to be as compact as possible, not necessarily using double-spacing, and no more than 2 or 3 spaces between columns of data. Begin with a single horizontal rule (1 1/2 pt), followed by the columns headings and another single rule (3/4 pt). End data set with another single rule (1 1/2 pt). Use times characters only. Large tables should be avoided. If many data are to be presented, an attempt should be made to divide these over two or more tables. Explanations that are necessary to the understanding of the table should be given as footnotes at the bottom of the table.

Reprints. A total of 50 reprints of each paper are provided free of charge to the first author. Additional copies may be ordered.