VOLUME 10 - 1998


V. Achilli, P. Baldi, L. Baratin, C. Bonini, E. Ercolani, S. Gandolfi, M. Anzidei, F: Riguzzi Digital photogrammetric survey on the island of Vulcano 


A. Bonaccorso, C. Falzone, G. Raia, L. Villari: Application of new technology for ground deformation continuous detection 


B. Cagnoli, D.H. Tarling: A consolidation technique enabling the study of the anisotrophy of magnetic susceptibility of friable pyroclastic rocks from Los Humeros Volcanic Center (Mexico) 


S. Caliro, C. Panichi, D. Stanzione : Baseline study of the isotopic and chemical composition of waters associated with the Somma Vesuvio volcanic system 


S. Calvari, Muller, V. Scribano: Eruptive activity and morphology evolution of Bocca Nuova, one of the four of Etna´s summit craters, from 1988 to 1995 


P. Del Carlo, S. Branca: Tephrostratigraphic dating of the pre- 1300 AD SE flank eruption of Mt. Etna  33
C. Del Negro, G. Lanzafame, R. Napoli, M. Pompilio: The age of the neck of Motta Sant´Anastasia (Sicily) as revealed by a magnetic survey 


P. Fulignati, P. Marianelli, A. Sbrana: New insights on the thermometamorphic metasomatic magma chamber shell of the 1994 eruption of Vesuvius 


B. Lugovic, R. Altherr, T. Marjanac, H.-P. Meyer: Orogenic segnatures in Late Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the northern External Dinarides, Croatia


M. Pompilio, R. Trigila, V. Zanon: Melting experiment on Mt. Etna lavas: I - The calibration of an empirical geothermometer to estimate the eruptive temperature 


R. Punturo, V. Scribano: Ultracoarse clinopyroxenites, websterites and phlogopitebearing Iherzolite xenoliths from Valle Guffari (Buccheri, Sicily): petrographical and mineralogical data 


Data related to eruptive activity, unrest phenomena and other observations on the Italian active volcanoes Geophysical Monitoring of the Italian Active volcanoes 1993-1995 (P. Gasperini, Editor)
Mt. Vesuvius
1. Preface - L. Civetta, S. De Vita, M. Di Vito, G. Ventura


2. Seismic activity - C. Vilardo, M. Martini, G. Talarico


3. Ground deformations and variations of the gravity field - G. Berrino, C. Del Gaudio, G. De Natale, T. Esposito, A. La Rocca, S. Malaspina, F. Pingue, U. Riccardi, C. Ricco, C. Serio, C. Troise, U. Tammaro 


4. Dipolar geoelectric tomography, self-potential survey and magnetotelluric soundings - R. Di Maio, P. Mauriello, D. Patella, Z. Petrillo, C. Piscitelli, A. Siniscalchi 


Phlegrean fields
1. Preface - L. Civetta, S. De Vita, M. A. Di Vito, C. Orsi 101
2. Seismicactivity - C. Del Caudio, C. P. Ricciardi, C. Ricco, V. Sepe 102
3. Ground deformations - C. Del Gaudio, G. P. Ricciardi, C. Ricco, V. Sepe, G. Berrino, U. Riccardi, V. d´Errico, A. La Rocca  103
1. Preface - L. Civetta, S. De Vita, M. A. Di Vito, G. Orsi, M. Piochi 108
2. Seismic surveillance - De Natale G., Pinto S., Troise C., D´Alessandro R., Tammaro V. 108
3. Vertical ground movements - Del Gaudio C., Sepe V. 110
4. High precision gravity survey - Berrino G., d´Errico V.  113
Vulcano and Stromboli
1. Seismic activity at Vulcano Island and neighbouring area - Cardacci C., Alparone S., Cocina O., Giampiccolo E., Privitera E., Longo V., Velardita S., Biviano A., Marturano M.  114
2. Monitoring ground deformation at Vulcano and Stromboli, Aeolian Islands - Bonaccorso A., Campisi O., Consoli O., Gambino S., Falzone G., Laudani G., Mattia M., Puglisi B., Rossi M., Velardita R., Villari L.  122
3. Vertical ground movements at Vulcano: precise levelings - Obrizzo F.  127
4. Gravity measurements at Vulcano - Berrino G., Riccardi U., d´Errico V., La Rocca A., Malaspina S.  130
5. Self-potential mapping and dipolar geoelectric tomography - Di Maio R., Gerundo M., Giammetti S., Patella D., Piscitelli S., Veneruso M.  133
6. Main Features of Seismic activity at Stromboli - Falsaperla S., Cardaci C.  136
1. Eruptive activity - Coltelli M., Pompilio M., Del Carlo P., Calvari S., Pannucci S., Scribano V.  141
2. Seismic activity - Spampinato S., Gambino S., Patanè D., Privitera E., D´Amico G., Di Prima S., Pellegrino A., Scuderi L., Torrisi O.  149
3. Ground deformation monitoring  154
3.1. EDM and continous tilt - Bonaccorso A., Campisi O., Consoli O., Falzone G., Gambino S., Laudari G., Puglisi B., Rossi M., Velardita R., Villari L.  154
3.2. GPS measurements: improvements in network configuration and surveying techniques - Puglisi G., Bonaccorso M., Bonforte A., Campisi O., Consoli O., Maugeri S. R., Nunnari G., Puglisi B., Rossi M., Velardita R.  158
3.3. Vertical ground movements by precise levellings – Obrizzo F.  170
4. Magnetic surveying and continuous monitoring of the plumbing system - Del Negro C., Condarelli D., Ferro A., Ferrucci F, Napoli R., Randazzo A.  174
5. Temporal variations of the gravity field 1993-1995 - Budetta G., Carbone D., Greco F.  182
6. Self-potential, geoelectric and magnetotelluric measurements - Di Maio R., Mauriello P., Patella D., Petrillo Z., Piscitelli S., Siniscalchi A.  187
1. Gravity Observations - Berrino G., D´Errico V., Malaspina G. 194


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