VOLUME 3 - 1993
Geodynamic framework of the Tyrrhenian
a review
L. Ferrari 1, P. Manetti 2
1. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via Mangiagalli
34, 20133 Milano, Italy
2. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via La Pira
4. 50121 Firenze, Italy
This paper summarizes the presently available geological and geophysical
data on the Tyrrhenian area to give an up-to-date geodynamic setting for
the peculiar volcanism of this region. In the Tyrrhenian two small oceanic
basins (Vavilov and Marsili) are separated from the Sardinia hinterland
to the west by a well developed passive margin, while along the eastern
margin they are bound by the Appeninic-Maghrebian orogenic belt. The rifting
processes started in Late Tortonian times at the Sardinian margin and propagated
eastward during Pliocene and Pleistocene with the formation, respectively,
of the Vavilov and Marsili basins and the corresponding eastward migration
of the Calabrian Arc away from the Sardinia hinterland. Volcanic activity
in the Tyrrhenian area appears consistent with this pattern of evolution.
Subduction-related volcanism took place in Sardinia in the Oligocene and
Early Miocene, in the Aeolian Arc and in the Roman Magmatic Province during
the Quaternary and, probably, during Pliocene times along a submerged arc
located between the Vavilov and the Marsili basins. Extension-related volcanism
occurred during the main phases of basin formation at the rear of the arc.
The geodynamic mechanism for the evolution of the Tyrrhenian which better
account for all these features is represented by the passive subduction
of the ronian lithosphere. According to this model the migration of the
arc and the related back-arc extension is driven by the gravitational sinking
of the downgoing slab which was initiated at the site of a former orogenic belt.
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Marine geology of the Panarea- Stromboli area
(Aeolian Archipelago, Southeastern Tyrrhenian sea)
G. Gabbianelli 1, C. Romagnoli
2, P.L. Rossi 3,
N. Calanchi 3
1. Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, via Zamboni
65, 40127 Bologna, Italy
2. Scienze Ambientali Marine, Università di
3. Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche, piazza
di Porta S. Donato 1, 40127 Bologna, Italy
Marine investigations (electroacoustic and high resolution seismic profiles),
carried out on the submerged portions of the Panarea and Stromboli volcanic
complexes, have enabled a reconstruction of the main morphologic and structural
features of the volcanic edificies. Limited petrochemical data give some
information on composition of eruptive products. The data demonstrate a
number of features of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene volcanism, volcano-tectonism
and eustatic effects. Both complexes show a preferential development along
NE-SW lineaments, which coincides with the regional structural trend of
this sector of the Aeolian structure. This is apparent from the morphology
of the complexes and from the distribution of numerous parasitic and flanking
submarine eruptive centers. Faulting, caldera collapse and tectonic tilting
were interrelated and fundamentally influenced by activation of the NE-SW
fractures. Some NE-SW faults are active at Dresent.
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Geology, stratigraphy and volcanological evolution
of the island of Stromboli, Aeolian arc, Italy
I. Hornig-Kiarsgaard 1, J. Keller
1, U. Koberski 1,
E. Stadlbauer 1, L. Francalanci 2,
R. Lenhart 1
1. Mineral.-Petrographisches Institut der Universitat
Freiburg, Albertstrasse 23b, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
2. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, and C.S.
per la minerogenesi e la geochimica applicata, Via La Pira 4, 1-50121 Firenze,
The geologic evolution of Stromboli volcano is recorded in its subaerial
part for a time span from about 100,000 years B.P. to the present strombolian
activity of the Recent Sciara volcano. Four major periods, Paleostromboli,
Vancori cycles, Neostromboli and Recent Stromboli. have been recognized
and further subdivided into 30 volcanostratigraphic, geochemically controlled
mapping units. Paleostromboli (PST) I, II and III are in temporal sequence
and represent the main units of the oldest period. They crop out to the
southern and eastern part of the island and are constituted by lavas and
pyroclastic rocks (mainly fall, flow and lahar). Lavas predominate over
pyroclastites during the Vancori cycle, forming the summit of the volcano
and flowing along the NE and E flanks. Neostromboli period is characterized
by an effusive activity whose lavas form the western and northwestern sectors
of the island. Recent Stromboli rocks are mainly erupted by the present-day
strombolian activity filling the Sciara del Fuoco depression. Pizzo Sopra
la Fossa pvroclastites are part of the older Sciara activity- S- Bartolo
lavas also belong to the period of the Recent Stromboli activity although
differing sharply in their chemical composition from the Sciara products.
The volcanologically defined periods of Stromboli generally have constant
and distinct petrochemical characteristics, which vary from calc-alkaline
(CA) to leucite-bearing (Lc-) shoshonitic or Potassic (KS) through high-K
calc-alkaline (HKCA) and shoshonitic (SHO), showing a general trend of
K- enrichment with time. In detail, however, this trend is not regular
and displays several fluctuations: PST I and PST III rocks belong to the
HKCA series whereas PST II volcanics are calcalkaline; Vancori cycles form
a shoshonitic association and Recent Stromboli magmas have again HKCA to
SHO compositions, after the more potassic Lc-shoshonites of Neostromboli.
Strombolicchio neck is distinctly calcalkaline and is related to a pre-Stromboli
volcanic center formed about 200,000 years B.P.
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Radiochronological dating of Stromboli
P.-Y. Gillot 1, J. Keller 2
1. Centre des Faibles Radioactivités, CNRS-CEA,
91198 Gif sur Yvette, France
2. Mineralogisch-Petrographisches -Institut der Albert-Ludwigs
Universität, Albertstrasse 23b, Freiburg, Germany
K-Ar age determinations of the major volcanic units of Stromboli cover
the age range from <100 ka and 85 ka until present. The entire evolution
of the Stromboli cone occurred within the last 100,000 years. The isolated
neck of Strombolicchio has given a distinctly older age of 204±25
ka and belongs to a pre-Stromboli stage. It is obvious from the age data
that activity in the Upper Quaternary is almost continuous without repose
times longer than about 10,000-20,000 years. Particularly well constrained
is the age of the calc-alkaline interlude in the Paleostromboli (PST) cycle.
This PST II stage is dated by three K-Ar determinations to about 60 ka
(±5) which confirm an earlier Th/U dating of 61.5 ka. The shoshonitic
volcanism of the three Vancori stages, Lower, Middle and Upper Vancori,
is dated between 26 and 13 ka B.P. Upper Vancori is followed by the leucite-shoshonites
of the Neostromboli with ages of 13 and 5 ka B.P. With time there is a
general trend of increasing potassic nature of the lavas. Radiometric dating
provides the time scale for the evolution in distinct magmatological series
from HKCA in the early Paleostromboli (PST I) to strictly calc-alkaline
in PST II, again HKCA in the upper Paleostromboli, shoshonitic in the Vancori
series and finally to the potassic leucite-bearing shoshonites of Neostromboli.
The change and alternation between different magma series occurred thus
in geologically very short terms, suggesting the independent origin of
calc-alkaline and shoshonitic magma series. The present shoshonitic activity
of the Sciara center started less than 5,000 years B.P.
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Structure and geologic evolution of the Stromboli
volcano,Aeolian Islands, Italy
G Pasquarè 1, L. Francalanci
2, V. H. Garduno 1,3,
A. Tibaldi 1
1. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via Mangiagalli
34, 1-20133, Milano, Italy
2. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via La Pira
4, 1-50121, Firenze, Italy
3. moving to: Departamento de Geologia y Mineralogia,
UMSNH, Morelia, Mexico
The island of Stromboli together with Strombolicchio and another probable
off-shore vent, represents the summit of a large composite volcano. The
Stromboli volcano was affected by several collapses which took place in
two main stages: an older one characterized by several pyroclastic eruptions
related to a flank collapse toward SE and three concentric caldera collapses-
a younger stage characterized by two sector collapses, one flank collapse
towards NW and predominant lava effusions. The youngest flank eollapse
formed Ihe Sciara del Fuoco. Dlking, fissure eruptions and parasitic vents
are concentrated in a NE swarm located in the axial part on the island.
Statistically, fractures and some rare small faults strike in the same
predominant NE angular sector with a main NW dip, even if some disperslon
Is present. Dike chronology shows that the NE swarm is stable in the course
of time. In the NW side of the island youngest rock failures and dikes
show a horseshoe arrangement following the amphitheatre of the oldest NW
sector collapse. It is here suggested that diking and fracturing of the
volcano is influenced by expansion towards NW along NE trending regional
structure and/or by lower buttress forces caused by the NW deepening of
the sea floor. Slope instability of the upper part of
the volcano is in turn influeneed by magma injection along the NE striking
planes. Diking is also locally linked to pre-existing amphitheatre collapse
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The submarine extension of Sciara del Fuoco feature
(Stromboli isl.): morphologic characterization
C. Romagnoli 1, P. Kokelaar
2, P. L. Rossi 1,
A. Sodi 3
1. Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche, piazza
di Porta S. Donato 1, 40127 Bologna, Italy
2. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Liverpool
3. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via S. Maria
53, 56126 Pisa, Italy
In this paper we present the first results of a survey conducted in
1991 on the offshore continuation of Sciara del Fuoco, the steep trough
located on the central-western side of Stromboli Bathymetric and seismoacoustic
profilmg enabled us to obtain a first detailed reconstruction
of this submerged area. A brief description of the submarine setting is given, together with a first interpretations in terms of
processes. Particularly, a collapsed sector as extended as the subaerial Sciara del
Fuoco has been observed in the submarine portion, prolonging in an active
canyon and faced by a wide accumulation area. This latter appeared clearly
related to the Sciara ( and probably previous) sliding events. This new
setting maybe contribute to better understand the morphologie evolubon
of Stromboli and other volcanoes; some similarities with the evolution
of other volcanic edifices in terms of slope-instability processes have
been as well evidenced.
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Mineral chemistry of Stromboli volcanics as indicator
of magmatic processes
L. Francalanci
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via La Pira
4, 50121 Firenze, Italy
Microprobe analyses have been carried out on 13 samples pertaining to
the different magmatic series of the Stromboli volcano. Olivines (olv)
have contents in forsterite component ranging from 58 to 86, and generally
display small zonings. The FeO/MgO partition coefficient (Kolv/liq)
of 0.3-0.4 is larger than the value reported for anhydrous conditions and
is interpreted as depending on the high P PH20
Of these magmas. The clinopyroxene (cpx) composition falls at the salite-augite
boundary of the Wo-En-Fs diagram for potassic series (KS) and in the augite
field for the other series. A few diopsidic compositions have also been found. The higher Al content of
KS-cpx´s is explained as due to the higher
crystallization temperature and to the lower SiO2
content of the KS magma. On the basis of MgO/FeO ratios, a higher PH20
is suggested for the host magma of the cpx erupted as lapilli by the present-day
activity, in respect to the host magma of the cpx of the STR90 lava belonging
to the same activity. The opaques are mainly Ti-magnetite, with an ulvospinel (usp) content of 22-55%, and show compositional variations mainly due to
the processes of ion substitutions and to the different compositions of
the host magmas. Plagioclases (plg) display contents in anorthite component
between 90 and 45, as well as variable zonings. Based on the compositional
variations observed in the plg, cpx and olv of a same rock, different evolutionary
processes of the magmas have been recognized. They are mainly represented
by simple fractional crystallization in solid/liquid disequilibrium conditions,
even if mixing events between variously evolved magmas have been also recognized.
Moreover, the complex zonings found in the lapilli-cpx´s clearly testify
the variable physico-chemical conditions of the magma erupted by the present-day
strombolian activity.
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Silicate-melt inclusions in the mineral phases
of the Stromboli volcanic rocks: a contribution to the understanding of
magmatic processes
G. Vaggelli 1, H. E. Belkin 2,
L. Francalanci 1
1. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via La Pira
4, 50121 Firenze, Italy
2. U.S. Geological Survey, 959 National Center, Reston,
VA, 22092 USA
Silicate-melt and CO2 inclusions in
phenocrysts from the products of shoshonitic and calc-alkaline magmas erupted
from Stromboli volcano (Italy), have been analyzed in order to characterize
the physico-chemical conditions of the host magmas. Petrographic and microthermometric
investigations have been performed together with SEM-EDS and electron microprobe
analyses. Primary and secondary (pseudosecondary?) silicate-melt inclusions
were found in olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase and are the result
of trapping a homogeneous silicate melt. Rare CO2
inclusions were found in minerals only from calc-alkaline rocks. Based
on the preliminary microthermometric data on CO2
and silicate-melt inclusions in calc-alkaline mineral phases, the trapping
pressure is estimated to be from 0.7 and 2.0 kbar with a clinopyroxene
crystallization temperature in basaltic rocks between 1150 and 1250°C.
Microprobe analyses on the silicate-melt inclusions in shoshonitic rocks
show compositional variations between the inclusions hosted by olivine
and clinopyroxene phenocrysts as well as between the inclusions in the
core and the rim of the host phase. Pearce element ratio diagrams have
been used to distinguish the phases involved in pre- and post-trapping
processes. Such features suggest different evolutionary processes operating
in the Stromboli magmatic environment for shoshonites, including simple
fractional crystallization and single or multiple episodes of mixing with
more basic silicate melts.
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Magmatological evolution of the Stromboli volcano
(Aeolian Arc, Italy): inferences from major and trace element and Sr isotopic
composition of lavas and pyroclastic rocks
L. Francalanci 1, P. Manetti
1, A. Peccerillo 2,
J. Keller 3
1. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via
La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy
2. Istituto di Scienze della Terra, 98166 S.
Agata - Messina, Italy
3. Mineralogisch - Petrographisches Institut
der Universitat, Albertstr. 23b, D-7800 Freiburg, Germany
A petrological study on the Stromboli volcano is presented, together
with a general review and discussion of the different theories published
on the subject. The Stromboli volcano is characterized by a mildly explosive
strombolian activity, which has been persistent since historical time.
The composition of the products is variable, ranging from calc-alkaline
(CA), to high-K calc-alkaline (HKCA) and shoshonitic (SHO), up to potassic
(KS). The different products were repeatedly erupted, with a general increase
of potassium with time. All the subaerial volcanics were extruded during
the last 100,000 a. CA rocks are mainly basaltic-andesites, which show
the highest MgO, FeO. Ni, Cr, Co, Sc contents and Nd isotope ratios and
the lowest incompatible element abundances and Sr isotope ratios found
at Stromboli. HKCA and SHO series consist of basic to intermediate rocks
which display good correlations of major and several trace elements against
silica, and poorly variable Sr and Nd isotope ratios. KS rocks are basic
in composition and show the highest incompatible element contents and Sr
isotope ratios and the lowest 143Nd/144Nd
and 206Pb/ 204Pb
ratios. Petrological and geochemical data suggest that the HKCA and SHO
series were generated by simple fractional crystallization processes, starting
from mafic parental magmas. Instead, KS magmas underwent moderate deerees
of evolution. which appears to be dominated by selective assimilation of
upper crustal material by various batches of potassic magmas (Assimilation
plus Equilibrium Crvstallization, AEC). Mixing processes between SHO latites
and basic KS liquids and between high-K andesites and mafic CA magmas are
additional processes which also plaved a role in the evolution of the Stromboli
magmatism. The occurrence of mafic magmas with different petrological and
geochemical characteristics. erupted from a single volcano over a relativeiy
short time span, is the most important feature of Stromboli. Such a complexity
can be accounted for by two hypotheses, one envisaging a genesis of mafic
magmas from a heterogeneous. vertically zoned mantle source: the other
is that mafic magmas with different enrichments in potassium and incompatible
elements were generated by repeated cycles of RTFA (Refillin_ Tapping Fractionation
Assimilation)processes, occurring in a deep-sited magma chamber. starting
from a primary, mantle-derived CA liquid. The inferences of these hypotheses
on the volcanological evolution of the Stromboli volcano are discussed.
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Geophysical studies on Stromboli volcano - A review
S. Falsaperla 1, R. Schick 2
1. Istituto Internazionale di Vulcanologia, piazza
Roma 2, 1-95123 Catania, Italy
2. Institut fuer Geophysik, Rich.-Wagner-Str. 44,
D-7000 Stuttgart-l, Germany
A review is given of geophysical investigations that have been carried
out on the island of Stromboli, based on gravity, magnetism, magnetotellurics,
self-potential measurements, tectonic- and volcanic seismology. Different
models which are proposed with the explanation of the structure and eruptive
dynamics of the volcano are discussed. The results so far collected point
out both some peculiar features of this volcanic system and at the same
time the problems involved in the understanding of the eruptive mechanism
for a "simple" volcano like Stromboli.
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The strombolian activity presently recorded at
G. Napoleone, M. Ripepe, G. Saccorotti, L. Totti, A. Albianelli
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, via La Pira
4, 50121 Firenze, Italy
The explosive activity of strombolian type, as a particular eruptive
phase of a number of volcanoes, is recognized after Stromboli as persistently
mild and cyclically occuring during long lasting time intervals. In order
to quantify the cyclic behavior by its representative parameters, the explosivity
at the summit crater has been evaluated by means of image analysis precedures
and its seismic equivalent recorded by the local network. Photographic
sequences of the explosive events are processed and the kinetic energy
content computed by determining the mass flux of the ejecta and their velocity.
The corresponding explosion quakes mark the associated seismic energy.
The number of explosion quakes and seismic energy release both follow a
cyclic pattern over long time series as driven by steady conditions at
a moderate level of activity. Therefore, a correlation with the periodicities
of the locally recorded earth and ocean tides is intended to infer the
modulating effects of external forces over the system. Detailed analysis
of the seismic record is expected to focus the basic characters by which
the explosive mechanism hypotheses could be implied, also in accordance
with the prospects from the experiments that are presently carried out
and are going to be performed more extensively.
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Volcanic hazard assessment at Stromboli based
on review of historical data
F. Barberi, M. Rosi, A. Sodi
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università
di Pisa, via S. Maria 53, 56126 Pisa, Italy
Stromboli volcano is characterized by a peculiar state of permanent
activity consisting of mild intermittent explosions and continuous gas streaming. The quiete character of the normal activity is broken from time
to time by eruptive crises either represented by lava emission or by more
violent explosions. Over the last three centuries the largest explosions (paroxysms) have periodically threatened the
island´s population claiming
collectively a few dozens of lives and causing some damages to the settled areas. A critical re-examination of reports and documents of the last three
centuries of activity of the volcano was undertaken with the aim of assessing
the types of hazard, evaluating the areas potentially exposed to the eruptive
phenomena and estimating their probability of occurrence. Lava flow emissions
from central craters occur at an average rate of one event every 3.7 years;
the lava flow hazard is considered to be restricted to the depression of
Sciara del Fuoco as neither historical nor geological evidence exists of
recent lava flow outside the Sciara. The largest explosions have been arbitrarily
classified into two categories: major explosions and paroxysms. The former
have the potential of affecting only the summit of the island (average
occurrence of 2,1 events per year), whereas the latter can also hit the
settled areas (average occurrence of one event every 5-15 years). Fallout
of large blocks and incandescent bombs up to about 1.5 km from craters
is the main hazard caused by major explosions. In comparison paroxysms
are much more violent involving a larger volume of ejected material and
a broader spectrum of phenomena. The two villages of Stromboli and Ginostra
are situated in the seafest parts of the island; nevertheless they can
be affected during paroxysms, by the fallout of bombs and blocks, by tephra
accumulation, the formation of hot avalanches and small tsunamis. In this
century the main damages occurred during the paroxysms of 1919 and 1930.
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Preliminary study on emanation of CO2
from soils in some areas of Mount Etna (Sicily)
S. Anzà 1, B. Badalamenti
2, S. Giammanco 2,
S. Gurrieri 2, P.M. Nuccio 1,
M. Valenza 1
1. Istituto di Mineralogia, Petrografia e Geochimica,
Università di Palermo, via Archirafi 36, 90123 Palermo, Italy
2. Istituto di Geochimica dei Fluidi, via Torino
271D, 90133 Palermo, Italy
Investigations were carried out on the CO2
soil degassing in some areas of Mt Etna. Data collected from 1987 to 1989
indicate that tectonic lineaments mainly contribute to anomalous soil emanations,
although the volcanic ones are probably the responsible for the high background
values. The isotopic compositions (d13C(CO2)
= -2 ÷ -3 %o) suggest that the CO2
is mainly released by magma. Repeated measurements on the central part
of the eastern flank of Etna show that the anomalies are connected to active
faults and are subject to large variations both in space and in time. This
behaviour seems related to the volcanic activity, thus making this area
very interesting as a site for systematic measurements of the CO2
soil emanations in order to monitor the volcanic and seismic phenomena.
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Immiscibility in magmatic differentiation and
fluid evolution in granitoid xenoliths at Pantelleria: Fluid inclusions
B. De Vivo 1, M.L. Frezzotti 2,
A. Lima 1
1. Dipartimento di Geofisica e Vulcanologia,
Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", L.go S. Marcellino
10, 80138 Napoli ltaly
2 . Instituut voor Aardwetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit,
De Boelelaan, 1085, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fluid inclusions were studied in quartz and feldspar crystals of granitoid
xenoliths in recent (<10 ka) lavas and ignimbrites at Pantelleria to
constrain the fluid phases evolution and also try to evaluate the geothermal
potential of the island. Four main types of aqueous fluid inclusions are
distinguished: Type I, three-phase (L+S+V), halite-bearing inclusions with
ThL = 450 - 620°C and salinity = 35
- 76 equiv. wt % NaCl; Type II, biphase (V + L), vapour-rich aqueous inclusions
with Thv = 378 - >600°C and salinity
= 0.2 -18 equiv. wt % NaCl; Type III, biphase (L + V) aqueous inclusions
with ThL = 314 - 20°C; salinity = 2
-19 equiv. wt % NaCl, which occur in association with Type I and II and
sometimes as isolated inclusions; Type IV, biphase, silicate melt inclusions.
Early brines (Type I) and vapour-rich (Type II) inclusions are interpreted
to be the result of fluid boiling at T > 600°C and P > 750 bars, alternatively
they are postulated to be magmatic fluids resulting directly, through an
aqueous phase separation, from the continuous crystallization of a subvolcanic
intrusive. The inclusions are indicative of "hydrostatic" pressure
Trapping of boiling fluids is recorded down to about 350°C and 200 bars, with salinity up to about 40
equiv. wt % NaCl. Type III inclusions
may represent the original homogeneous magmatic fluid which underwent boiling
at a shallow depth of emplacement of these intrusive rocks, that were later
erupted as xenoliths. Comparison with previous studies shows that the thermobaric
evolution of the fluids in the inclusions remained stable in the age range
5O ka to < 10 ka (with the assumption that the xenoliths,or at least
the trapped fluids, are coeval with the host lavas) suggesting that present
temperatures at shallow depths may be close to measured values in the granitoid
xenoliths (< 350°C). As far as the geothermal potential of Pantelleria
island is concerned, the studied fluid inclusions indicate the presence
of fluids circulating in the system at depths of 2800-750 m (assuming a
lithostatic pressure regime of a magma column with density of 2.7 g/cm
3), at least before 10 ka. No information on geothermal fluid
circulation at pressures lower than 200 bars is recorded by the inclusions.
Possibly the fast ascent of xenoliths to the surface during explosive eruptions
prevented interaction with (and hence the trapping of) any fluids circulating
at shallower depths.
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Magmatological evolution of Filicudi
Aeolian Islands, Italy: constraints from mineralogical, geochemical
and isotopic data
L. Francalanci, A. P. Santo
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra di Firenze, via
La Pira 4, 1-50121, Firenze, Italy
Filicudi volcanic complex, formed in the last 0.2 Ma, is constituted
by six main volcanic centers (Banco di Filicudi, La Canna, Zucco Grande,
Fili di Sciacca, Chiumento and Fossa Felci) and several minor eccentric vents. Lavas and pyroclastics of the different volcanoes define a general
magmatic series from basalts to basaltic-andesites, up to high-K andesites.
Geological and geochemical evidence indicates that the different volcanic
centers represent magmatic systems which evolved separately in time and/or
space. Compositional gaps are found at different evolution degree within
the rocks of Zucco Grande. Fili di Sciacca and Chiumento volcanoes. Fractionation
at higher pressure of prevailing femic phases, followed by shallow level
crvstallization and accumulation of plagioclase, had lead to the formation
of the Filicudi basalts with high alumina and low MgO contents. All magmas
are shown to have evolved by fractional crystallization associated to mixing
processes between evolved and more basic magmas and to crustal contamination.
In particular, among the Fili di Sciacca rocks, the AEC mechanism was recognized
to have played an important role, with the more mafic rocks being more
contaminated due to their higher temperature.
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chronostratigraphy of Monte Arci volcanic complex (Western Sardinia, Italy)
A. Montanini 1, I. M. Villa 2
1. Istituto di Petrografia, viale delle Scienze 78,
43100 Parma, Italy
2. Istituto di Geocronologia e Geochimica isotopica, CNR, via Maffi 36, 56127 Pisa,
Italy; present address: Mineralogisches
Institut der Universitat Bern, Abt. Isotopengeologie, Erlachstrasse 9a,
3012 Bern, Switzerland
Four eruptive phases have been recognized in the field for the pliocenic
activity of Monte Arci volcanic complex: (1) felsie lavas (two, distinct,
rhyolitic episodes), (2) dacites and andesites, (3) trachytes, (4) basic lavas. 40Ar/39Ar
ages have been obtained on separated feldspars from lavas belonging to
each eruptive phase. The results achieve a very good internal precision,
of a few ka. Plateau ages indicate that three of the four activity phases
of the volcanic system were concentrated in a very narrow time-span: the
basal Phase 1 rhyolites are younger than 3.24 Ma, the Phase 3 trachytes
are 3.16 ± 0.3 Ma old. The 40Ar/39Ar
data show the occurrence of large amounts of excess Ar which causes discrepancies
between field stratigraphy and literature K/Ar ages, emphasizing that the
latter cannot be used for a chronostratigraphic reconstruction.
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Petrological and geochemical characteristics of
the Alicudi Volcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy: implications for magma genesis
and evolution
A. Peccerillo 1, P. D. Kempton
2, R. S Harmon 2,
T. W. Wu 3, A. P. Santo
4, A. J. Boyce 5, A. Tripodo
1. Istituto di Scienze della Terra, Università
di Messina, C.P. 54, Messina - S. Agata, Italy
2. NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, Keyworth,
3. Department of Geology, University of Western Ontario,
London, Canada
4. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università
di Firenze, via La Pira 4, 50121 Firenze, Italy
5. Scotrish Universities Research and Reactor Centre,
East Kilbride, Scotland, UK
New petrological, trace element and isotopic (Sr, Nd, O) data are reported
for volcanic rocks from the island of Alicudi, a volcano consisting of basaltic, basaltic andesitic and high-potassium andesitic lavas and
All rocks are porphyritic with a phenocryst mineralogy dominated by plagioclase
+ clinopyroxene + olivine in the basaltic rocks and by plagioglase + clinopyroxene
+ orthopyroxene + brown amphibole in the andesites. Basalts with Mg value
up to 73, and contents of Ni up to about 50 ppm represent the most primitive
compositions known within the entire Aeolian arc. FeO total
MgO, CaO, Ni, Co, Sc and Cr decrease with increasing silica, whereas incompatible
elements such as Rb, Ba, Th, and the LREE display the opposite trend. Significant
positive correlations of incompatible elements are observed on interelemental
variation diagrams. Sr abundances are scattered and show a large range
of values in both basic and intermediate rocks. Sr isotope ratios range
between 0.70342 to 0.70410 and exhibit the usual negative correlation with
(0.51289-0.51279). Basalts and basaltic andesites have higher Sr- and lower
Nd-isotopic ratios than high-K andesites; a negative trend of Sr vs. 87Sr/86Sr
is defined by basaltic volcanics. Negative trends are also observed between
and absolute abundances of incompatible trace elements and some ratios
of elements with different degrees of incompatibility such as La/Yb, Th/La, Th/Hf,
Nb/Zr. Magmatic d180
values for both basalts and andesites, as inferred from plagioclase and
pyroxene separates, are around + 6 . I %o. Geochemical
and isotopic data are discussed in terms of two contrasting models. One
assumes that the mafic magmas were generated in a heterogeneous source
which gave a range of isotopically distinct liquids; in such a case, the
negative correlation of Sr isotopic ratios with many incompatible trace
element abundances and ratios imply that evolutionary processes affected
at various degrees the magmas with different isotopic signatures. The second
hypothesis suggests that isotopically homogeneous calcalkaline mafic liquids
evolved within magma chambers to give a range of derivate liquids, which
interacted with wall rocks. This model implies that the more mafic (and hotter) basaltic and basaltic andesitic liquids assimilated higher proportions
of metamorphic country rocks than did the cooler high-K andesitic liquids.
This hypothesis conflicts with the low and poorly variable d180
values observed in the analyzed mineral separates, unless it is assumed
that assimilation occurred after phenocryst crystallization. When compared
with mafic rocks from other Aeolian islands, the Alicudi basalts are geochemically
and isotopically more primitive. Going eastward along the arc, there is
a decrease in Ni and Cr abundances, Mg value
and Nd isotope ratios parallel to an increase in Sr isotope ratios in basaltic
rocks. These compositional variations are typical of volcanic series which
have evolved by interaction with upper crustal material and may indicate
that this process contributed significantly to the regional geochemical
and isotopic trends observed along the Aeolian arc.
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A petrogenetic grid for mixing processes and fractional
E. Salvioli-Mariani
Istituto di Petrografia, Università di Parma,
viale delle Scienze 78, 43100 Parma, Italy
The paper describes a procedure to draw with computer a petrogenetic
grid from a general mixing equation considering the effects of fractional
crystallization and mixing. The program allows to plot rock samples and
to calculate mixing and fractionation degree of the samples plotted.
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